Ames High Athletics Important Info for 2024-25 School Year
Posted August 2, 20242024-25 High School Sports Registration, First Fall Practice Dates, Fall Sport Coach Contact Info, Athletics Open House, Booster Club Bash information below.
Registration for Athletics
Exciting news! Starting this fall, we will be partnering with Bound, a full-scale activities management system. We have been in a partnership with Bound for our activities calendar, ticketing, and stats platform the past two years but starting July 19, 2024, Ames will begin using Bound for student-athlete registration for middle and high school sports. Any student that plans to participate in athletics for the upcoming year must register through Bound. Please click on the link below to start the registration process.
LINK: https://manager.gobound.com/registration/ia/ames/family?vbreg=true
For step-by-step directions on how to register, please click on the link below:
First Fall Sports Practice Date
Fall sports officially kick-off on Monday, August 12th – the first sanctioned practice date as established by the IHSAA and IGHSAU governing bodies. This includes both cross country programs, football, boys golf, girls swimming and diving, volleyball as well as the cheer and dance programs. (Note: fall cheer and dance team tryouts were held in the late spring, all other sports are currently open to tryout for starting on August 12th.)
Student-athletes must be registered at the links above and must have a current (within 13 months) physical on file either with the office or uploaded on to Bound.
Fall Sports Head Coach Emails
Below are the emails for the fall sport head coaches. Reach out to any of them for more information on practice times and to be included on any potential team communications.
- Boys Cross Country | Ravi Bhave (ravi.bhave@ames.k12.ia.us)
- Girls Cross Country | Cole Anderson (cole.anderson@ames.k12.ia.us)
- Football | Tom Crowden (tom.crowden@ames.k12.ia.us)
- Boys Golf | RJ Voss (rj.voss@ames.k12.ia.us)
- Girls Swimming & Diving | Joe Fisher (joe.fisher@ames.k12.ia.us)
- Volleyball | Meg Williams (meg.williams@ames.k12.ia.us)
- Fall Cheer | Dana Logan (dana.logan@ames.k12.ia.us)
- Drill/Dance Team | Jessica Martin (jessica.martin@ames.k12.ia.us)
Ames High Athletics Open House
Join us on Friday, August 23 at the high school for important information regarding the athletics programs at Ames High. Four informational sessions (Athletic Training, Athletic Department, Bound, and Booster Club) will take place starting at 5:00 PM. Each session will last approximately 20 minutes, giving participants the opportunity to visit each one. Coaches from athletic programs will be out in the commons with information regarding their respective programs.
At approximately 7:00 PM, a football scrimmage vs. Waterloo East in the stadium and a volleyball intrasquad scrimmage will take place.
Ames High Athletics Booster Club Booster Bash at Alluvial Brewing Company
Join Ames High Athletics and the Ames High Athletics Booster Club for the third annual Booster Bash on Saturday, August 24th at Alluvial Brewing Company in Ames. The function serves as the booster club’s primary social function of the season while also generating funds that benefit the Little Cyclone athletic programs. This is a 21+ only event.
There will be a food truck on-site along with live music, silent auction baskets, and coach service recognition for both high school and middle school coaches.
Tickets are $40 and can be purchased on Bound at the link below OR by cash/check at the door on the night of the event.
LINK: https://tickets.gobound.com/tickets/events/h202407090711377607d952974684940/checkout
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