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Girls Cross Country

About Girls Cross Country

Cole Anderson begins year No. 5 at the helm of the Ames High girls cross country program. In 2024, the Little Cyclones are coming off of their third-consecutive team state championship meet appearance. In 2023, Claire Helmers became the first runner in program history to achieve three career top-10 individual finishes at the state meet. Fellow seniors Lauren Risdal and Marley Turk also look to assist in returning the Little Cyclones to Fort Dodge.

Points of Pride

3rd Place

2021 State Championship

Led by a trio of upstart runners, the Little Cyclones took a third-place finish at the IGHSAU State Championship meet.


10th Place

Freshman Claire Helmers finished 10th overall – becoming the first freshman in the state top-10 since Kersten Thorgaard in 2003.


Course Time Record

Camille Jackson set the state meet course time record with a mark of 17:23.9.


State Performances

Historically, the Ames High girls cross country program has been elite among the state. The Little Cyclones have many all-time state team appearances and have featured several individual champions.

Contact the Coach

Cole Anderson

Email Cole Anderson

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