Facilities & Directions

Ames CSD Athletic Venues

Football, Track, and Soccer
Played at Ames High School.
Address: 1801 Ridgewood Avenue, Ames.
Football, track, and soccer are accessed through the stadium gateway to the south of the high school.
Basketball, Volleyball, Swimming, Wrestling

Played at Ames High School
Address: 1801 Ridgewood Avenue, Ames
For basketball, volleyball, and wrestling, proceed to the main entrance to access the gymnasium. For swimming, use the pool entrance.
Baseball, Softball, and Tennis Venues

Played at Ames High Baseball/Softball & Tennis Complex
Address: 2005 24th Street, Ames
Tennis is played to the east of the entrance to the complex. Softball is the westernmost field with baseball to the north.
Cross Country Venue
Cross Country is held at the Iowa State University cross country course
Address: 1111 Hayward Ave, Ames

Golf Venues
Played at Veenker Memorial Golf Course
Address: 2916 Veenker Dr, Ames
Veenker Memorial Golf Course is a public golf course which is owned and operated by Iowa State University.