About Band
The Ames High Band has many performing ensemble components that serve various musical purposes. Students enrolled in band during high school have the opportunity to perform in marching band and concert band. Other audition and select opportunities such as jazz band and pep band are available to students.
Explore band programsBand Boosters
Band Booster membership is open to anyone interested in supporting the Ames High band program: parents, relatives, community members, corporations and businesses. Membership is renewable annually. Membership dues are the primary funding source for the Band Booster organization.
Learn moreBand News
We publish a newsletter quarterly with information about Ames bands from elementary to high school. It’s a great opportunity to celebrate our band students’ achievements and learn about everything going on in the band program.
Band NewsletterIowa High School Music Association
The Iowa High School Music Association sanctions our high school band competitions and events. Through involvement in band, students learn valuable life skills including teamwork, concentration, focus, and confidence.
IHSMA Website