2024 One Acts

Ames High Drama invites you to their Winter One-Acts Festival to see their productions of The Layover by Tracy Wells, The 146 Point Flame by Matt Thompson, and Back Cover by Emily Hageman on February 2, 3, and 4 in the Wayne “Hank” Hansen Performing Arts Center at Ames High School.
The Layover brings a group of strangers to your average airport terminal, complete with passengers traveling near and far. But when Dana, a troubled teenager, finds herself on a never-ending layover, she comes to realize that in order to get to her final destination, she must discover who she truly is.
The 146 Point Flame, based on the historic 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, weaves through the tragic tale of four young women who are trapped with no escape. Through the elements of movement and poetry, the girls reflect on their vibrant pasts, the cruelty of their present, and ultimately face fear and acceptance of their ultimate destinies.
Back Cover is a beautiful story of connections over time, parallel lives, history repeating itself, and new beginnings. Her family torn apart by divorce, Madison and her mom move to New York City. It’s a typical teenage angst story until Madison finds an unexpected connection through a series of letters. Full of love, heartbreak, and courage, you won’t want to miss Back Cover.
The Winter One-Acts Festival is recommended for mature audiences. Show times are 7 p.m. on February 2 and 3, and 2 p.m. on February 4. Ticket prices are $10 for adults and $5 for students. Seating is general admission.
Skip the line and order your ticket(s) online at https://ahsfinearts.ludus.com. For more information about tickets, contact Melissa Kaufman at melissa.kaufman@ames.k12.ia.us.
The Layover Cast and Crew
Dana: Lydia Hehr
Michael: Leo Sullivan
Gabe: Bea Dearborn
Frank: Keegan Foster
Edith: Abi Stearns
Jessica: Tatum Tharp
Chris: Jesse Hutson
Rita: Aeven Briese
Jackie: Caitlin Heidgerken
Stephanie: Caroline Brandon
Aaron: JT Matusiak
Alex: Amelia ‘t Hoen
Charlotte: Kenna Kaufman
Traveler: Tessa Esser
Flight Attendant: Aster Mund
Flight Announcer: Miles Peterson
Production Crew
Stage Managers: Catherine Cave and Joel Meadows
Set Design: Joel Meadows
Paint Design: Tessa Esser, Tatum Tharp
Prop Manager: Archer Platt
Costumes: Evelyn Crouse
Lights: Adam Jacobsen
Sound: Marin Knight, Sophia Vernon
Graphic Design: Abi Stearns
Projections: Marin Knight, Sophia Vernon
The 146 Point Flame Cast and Crew
Vincenza: Carla Tejuca Barrera
Lena: Catherine Cave
Yetta: Kaylee McClure
Tessa: Gaby Teske
Foreman: Leo Sullivan
Garcelanco: Leo Sullivan
Brother: Leo Sullivan
Father: Tate Esser
Fireman: Tate Esser
Mysterious Man: Joel Meadows
Elevator Operator: Joel Meadows
Production Crew
Stage Manager: Elena Heerema
Set Design: Miles Peterson
Costumes: Catherine Cave
Lights: Adam Jacobsen, Gavin Prior and Grant Prior
Sound: Jessie Ask, Sabella Lloyd
Graphic Design: Abi Stearns
Dance Choreography: Gaby Teske
Back Cover Cast and Crew
MadisonNow: Lilah Forbes
MadisonThen: Sofia Aldaco-Romero
Jessica: Elodie Biggs
Mom: Grace Helmers
Dad: Jesse Hutson
Matt: Gavin Prior
Katie: Zoe Brockman
Alyssa: Kate Heerema
Father: Leif Haug
Mrs. Lee: Naomi Olinger
Production Crew
Stage Manager: Norah Klocke
Set Design: Norah Klocke
Paint Design: Karina Scott
Prop Manager: CJ Powers
Costumes: Lily Klindt
Lights: Adam Jacobsen, Miles Peterson, and Grant Prior
Sound: Patrick Johnson, Teddie Zebris
Graphic Design: Abi Stearns
Projections: Miles Peterson